**This is a digital PDF file crochet pattern - NOT a finished product Skill level: Intermediate Included: English PDF file with crochet and sewing instructions for U.S. sizes XS - 3XL This Ghibli - inspired cardigan is perfect for fun times in chilly weather! It is made with granny squares in a patchwork style. Please send me a message through Etsy Messages with any questions about your pattern. Do not distribute or sell this pattern or its product.

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POP花型网 » **This is a digital PDF file crochet pattern - NOT a finished product Skill level: Intermediate Included: English PDF file with crochet and sewing instructions for U.S. sizes XS - 3XL This Ghibli - inspired cardigan is perfect for fun times in chilly weather! It is made with granny squares in a patchwork style. Please send me a message through Etsy Messages with any questions about your pattern. Do not distribute or sell this pattern or its product.
